Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Ghana

The Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya (MKA) aka Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization, Ghana, is the Ghana branch of the youth wing of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The Majlis was founded by Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, second successor of the Promised Messiahas in 1938 as one of the auxiliary wings of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. MKA is made up of the male members of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community between the ages of 15 and 40. MKA also has oversight responsibilities over Majlis Atfalul Ahmadiyya (MAA) who are the male children of the community between the ages of 7 and 15.


To train and educate our members, including Atfal-ul Ahmadiyya, in true Islamic ways, to inculcate in them the love of Allah and Hazrat Khataman Nabiyyin Muhammad Mustafa saw, the spirit of serving Islam, country, and mankind, and strive for their welfare.

Like the other branches worldwide, we are under the auspices of the Khalifatul Masih, the worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The Majlis is administered by a National Aamila (Executive body), headed by a National President (Sadr), with its national headquarters in Accra. The National Aamila is made up of young men from across the country heading various departments and regions.

Besides the Sadr and his deputies, there are 17 departments and 12 regions headed by individual members of the National Aamila. Each of the 17 departments is headed by a Muhtamim (Secretary) and each of the 10 regions is headed by a Qaid Ilaqa (Regional President).

The Departments under the National Aamila are replicated in the 10 regions across the country with each department at the regional level headed by a Nazim (Regional Secretary) and each Circuit/District (Dil’a) by a Qaid Dil’a (Circuit President). The same departments are also repeated at the Dil’a level where each department is headed by a Nazim Dil’a.

Since the establishment of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Ghana in the 1970s, there have been eight National Presidents (Sadran) with the current National President, Mr. Hanif Bipuah taking over from Mr. Nasir Ahmed Bonsu on 1st November 2022.

OUR KEY activities

Annual Ijtema’a (Rallies)

Each year rallies are held at the various level of the Majlis beginning from the local level, through the circuit and the regional levels and culminating into the national rally. During the rallies, members benefit from various discourses aimed at building their moral and spiritual uprightness.

Members also participate in religious, academic and sporting competitions, as well as embark on route march through the principal streets of the host town or city.

National Rallies
Circuit Rallies
Local Rallies

Service to Humanity

We engage in many community service initiatives over the years. In Ghana, we are well known for our humanitarian services such as blood donation exercises, communal labour at public places and donation of gifts to orphanages, hospitals and prisons. Across the country, we organize blood donation exercises periodically to save the lives in need of urgent blood transfusion. We also organize clean-up exercises at hospitals, market centres, orphanages, etc. and make donations in the form of food items, clothing and cash to orphanages and prisons.

Blood Donations
Communal Labour
Gift Donations

Support Jama’at Functions

MKA which literally means “Servants of Ahmadiyya” is very active during various Jamaat activities and functions all over the country. The Khuddam are relied upon to provide security during programmes and functions and also volunteer to undertake various roles and responsibilities during occasions like Jalsa Salana (National Conferences).

The youth wing is also very supportive of the building and renovation of mosques and mission houses by providing labour and also making financial contributions.

  • Community

  • Knowledge

  • Volunteerism


We have a bi-annual magazine, “the Khaadim” which highlights our activities across the country and various teachings from Islam from the Holy Qu’ran, Ahadith, the Promised Messiah, and the Khulafa.


We build and maintain a strong collaboration with other youth groups in the country through the umbrella of the government’s National Youth Authority in promoting peace and peaceful coexistence in the country.