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Kumasi North Zone Lights Up Atfal Rally at Asafo-Kumasi

Story by Marfo Hussain Yusif, Atfal Nazim, Kumasi North Zone.

The Kumasi North Zone of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya Ghana, has held its annual Atfal rally on the theme “Atfal: future of the Majlis” at Asafo, Kumasi on March 20th, 2022.

Speaking at the well-attended programme, the Guest Speaker, Muallim Ahmed Adams of Nwabiagya circuit, spoke on the need for the Atfal to build a strong link with the Khalifa and to recognize the immense responsibilities on them as members of the Atfal-lul Ahmadiyya.

Making reference to the address of the Khalifatul Massih Vaba, during the UK National Ijtma 2021, he advised the Atfal to always do the right thing at home, school and wherever they find themselves. He quoted part of Khalifa’s address to buttress his point, saying “It is a fundamental truth that the children and youth of each nation have a great role to play in the progress and wellbeing of their community”.

Muallim Adams further stressed on the fact that every member of the jama’at should always reflect upon the fact that they have personal responsibilities to the mission of the Promised Messiahas, as said by Huzur in his said address.

The Muawin Sadr for the Ashanti and Northern Zones, Mr. Abdul Wahab Adusei who was present was impressed with the manner the Atfal conducted themselves throughout the programme.

He reminded them on the need to be punctual and regular at prayers and be obedient to their parents and elders in society. He entreated them to stay away from all negative practices to be seen as true followers of the Promised Messiah.

Master Sheriff Abubakar who chaired the function, emphasized the need for the Atfal to be brought together on regular basis to remind themselves of their duties and the jama’at’s expectation from them.

Mualim Suleman Yakubu admonished the Atfal to make reading of the Holy Quran and their prayers very seriously, adding, that, the one who does not mind his salaat performance cannot please Allah.

There were competitions in Quran Reading, Azan Calling, Pick and Act, and Salaat Performance. Certificates were awarded to the 1st and 2nd place winners.

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