
Maiden Ekrawfo Circuit Rally at Ekrawfo Mosque in Ekumfi Zone

Story by Jamil Rahman Nyame.

The first ever circuit rally of the newly created Ekrawfo circuit of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya has been held at Ekumfi Ekrawfo in the Ekumfi Zone of the Ekumfi district of the Central region on 18th February, 2022.

Delivering the keynote address, Maulvi Hafiz Mohammed Arkoh, the Ekumfi Zonal Missionary tasked the khuddam to change from any negative attitude that they find themselves in. He noted that “a nation cannot reform without the reformation of the youth” as expounded by the second khalifa of the Ahmadiyya movement.

He called on the Ahmadi youth to lead an exemplary life for the rest of the society to emulate. The youth should refrain from all forms of immoral acts such as gambling, adultery, stealing, disobedience etc. Maulvi Arko again called on Ahmadi youth to hold on strong to the rope of Allah, be observant in prayers as instituted by Allah.

The Zonal Missionary cautioned them against giving excuses when it comes to financial sacrifices in the cause of Ahmadiyyat and entreated them to pay all financial obligations according to their earnings.

Maulvi sahib ended by stating emphatically that the surest way of implementing good and eschewing evil deeds is by studying Islamic Teachings and putting them into practice.

The Zonal Qaid, Mr. Jamil Rahman Nyame, who chaired the occasion called on the elders of the jama’at to help the youth to gain employment. He asked the youth to obey working ethics when employed so as not to bring shame to the elders and the jama’at.

The circuit rally recorded 36 khuddam and Ekrawfo Circuit President Alhaj Mohammed Essako in attendance.

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