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Kasoa North organises Time with Parents and Atfal Day

Story By Nasir Ahmad Mensah, Nazim Atfal, Kasoa North.

On the 19th of March 2022, Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya, Kasoa North, organized it second “Time with Parent” at the Insaaniya Mosque with the theme, “Atfal participation in Jama’at activities, the responsibility of parents”.

The program, which was chaired by the Zonal Atfal Nazim, Mr. Nayyar Sentor, began with a recitation from the Holy Quran and an opening Prayer by Mr Nasir Otoo and Mualim Nasir Ahmed kwarteng, Missionary in charge of Kasoa North Circuit respectively. An Arabic poem in praise of the Holy Prophet as well as the Atfal pledge, which aim at instilling discipline, patriotism, and love for the Jama’at were also recited.

In his opening address, the chairperson of the occasion explained how participating in Jama’at activities increases the faith of an individual. He went on to say that, Participation in itself has three component, these components are Involvement, Contribution, and Responsibility, and they help guide and increase the faith of the individual.

On his part, Mr. Sadique Kwame Nkrumah Adam who is the Naib Muhtamim Atfal also said ensuring the participation of children in Jama’at activities is the responsibility of every parent towards his children.  He added that, parents should pay good attention to their children’s education. Again, parents have the responsibility of teaching their children the importance of paying Chanda and Atfal dues.

 On the part of the Atfal, He advised them to be truthful, hardworking, have respect for the elderly, observe the five daily prayers and read the Holy Quran, watch and listen to the Friday Sermons from our beloved Huzoor and finally write letters to Huzoor on monthly basis.

After songs of praise by Opeikum Jamat, question and answer section was held. The program ended after the chairperson gave his closing remarks and a closing prayer was said.

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