
Sadr Visits UG AMMSAG

Story by Abdul-Hadi Keelson, Naib Mu’tamad Mulk

Hanif Bipuah, Sadr Mulk, visited the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission Students’ Association of Ghana (AMMSAG) Branch of the University of Ghana on Sunday, 2nd April 2023. He, and his entourage, joined members to have Iftar and observe Maghrib, Isha, and Taraweeh prayers at the Athletic Oval.

Mr Adams Dawood Oduro, the students’ Imam, led the Maghrib prayers and Maulvi Hafiz Ayatur-Rahman Abdullah led the Isha and Taraweeh prayers.

In an address, the Sadr said the Khalifa had directed that the male and female students should have their activities separately to be in conformity with the Nizam-e-Jama’at, adding that Ghana was one of the new countries to have this structure as most countries already operated this system.

However, Mr Bipuah said due to financial constraints and other challenges, some activities could be held together. Even though activities were to be held separately, the observance of salat ought to be done together, he added.

The Sadr advised them to learn the Holy Quran and understand the prayers in their salat while in school as they could face challenges in learning the Holy Quran after completing the University.

Mr Bipuah advised the students to remain chaste and encouraged them to observe purdah in all its essence as it was the surest way to protect them from any form of temptations.

According to the Sadr, most members of his entourage had their partners from AMMSAG since the primary motive of forming the Association is to enable members to marry from within the Jama’at.

He was quick to add that AMMSAG should not be the vehicle to promiscuity but encouraged the gathering to be prayerful when selecting their lifetime partners.

He urged them to participate in the activities of the Majlis while in school because they were going to one day serve the Majlis Aamila at various levels, adding that almost all of the members of his entourage were actively involved in AMMSAG during their time in school.

Munir Kwesi Saeed, Additional Muhtamim Sanat-o-Tijarat encouraged the students to build networks on campus before leaving the confines of the University. He said this would go a long way to help them in life after school and promised to engage them in the future on the matter.

Abdul-Rashid Adams, the AMMSAG President, expressed his gratitude to the Sadr and his entourage for the visit.

The Sadr was accompanied by Ibrahim Arkoh, Naib Sadr, Administration; Mustapha Kofi Amissah, Naib Sadr, South East Sector; Irfan Easah Hammond, Mu’tamad Mulk and 15 National, Regional, and Zonal office bearers.