
41st Annual National Rally of MKA Ghana has commenced in Accra.

The 41st Annual National Ijtema’a (rally) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization Ghana is underway at Bustan-e-Ahmad in Accra.

The rally, which is an annual event on the calendar of the Majlis Khuddam, began with the registration of participants following their arrival at the venue and registration for academic and sporting competitions.

The Review of Religions

The National Coordinator for Review of Religions Ghana, Maulvi Umar Gyasi Agyemang, gave a presentation on “The Review of Religions; a Panacea for Moral Regeneration.” In his address, he pointed out that acquiring knowledge is essential, elevates people, and opens Allah’s door to those endowed with it. According to Maulvi Umar, our Beloved Khalifa’s response to a question on his vision for Ghana shows that knowledge acquisition is his ultimate requirement for seeing all Africans become Muslims and that this should be the goal of every leader of the Jama’at.

Maulvi stressed that personal development and acquaintance with the teachings of the Jama’at are indispensable in carrying out any form of Tabligh. Therefore, according to him, the Review of Religions has become an essential source for religious knowledge and contemporary issues regarding knowledge acquisition.

He said, “The western world boldly denies the existence of God while Africans are gradually doing the same thing through their actions like interest and addiction to online gambling and betting. With these social vices sweeping across all countries of the world, The God Summit, a product of the Review of Religions, has recently made a significant impact by drawing the world’s attention to the existence of God”.

“The Promised Messiahas has warned his community about the danger associated with the non-existence of the Review of Religions. Therefore, Ahmadi Muslims must preserve the continuity of the Review of Religions started by Promised Messiah and Mahdi Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as)  in 1902.”

Maulvi Umar Gyasi announced that The Review of Religions is coming out with an innovative version in audio and video for variety. He said the ‘Review Digest,’ born out of popular demand and the guidance of our Beloved Huzoor, will soon be launched on MTA Africa.

The national coordinator called on all readers of the Review of Religions to handle it with extra care and caution due to the presence of Qu’ranic verses and Khalifa’s picture.


Mr. Ahmed Mensah, Accra Zonal Qaid, gave a general orientation about the rally venue. At the same time, Mr. Hanif Bipuah, Naib Sadr-Northern Sector & Afsar NIPC, provided guidelines for the rally, following which indoor games for both Atfal and Khuddam took place. The games included Musical Chair for Atfal, Scrabble, Domino, Ludo, Oware, Cards & Draught for Khuddam.

Story by Fadl Rahman Essel and Nurudin Ahmed Tetteh, Accra.

2 replies
  1. Sheikh Alhassan Ahmad
    Sheikh Alhassan Ahmad says:

    The 41st Annual National Ijtima of Khuddam Ahmadiyya kick start was very encouraging. I pray as today’s went all along nicely and beautiful, may Allah Almighty let all the remaining events of the Khuddam Ahmadiyya Annual National Conference end successfully with many achievements. May Allah stand by the side of Mr. Nasir Bonsu and his Qa’edeen and grant them victory in all their duties. I enjoyed participating in today’s Ejlas. Long live Khuddam Ahmadiyya Ghana. Long live Ahmadiyya.


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  1. […] Ghana Waqf-e Nau Scheme, Hafiz Maulvi Mohammed Saani Abdullai who made this known at the ongoing 41st annual rally of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya Ghana said, they will then be posted into various jama’at […]

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