
New Sadr for Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya

Story by Mamutas Kwesi Arkoh, Naib Muhtamim Isha’at

Mr. Hanif Bipuah, a Public Servant working with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Education Unit, Kumasi, assumed office on November 1, 2022, as the new Sadr of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Ghana. He took over from Mr. Nasir Ahmed Bonsu, an entrepreneur, at a handing over ceremony at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission Headquarters in Accra.

The Ameer and Missionary-in-Charge, Maulvi Mohammed Bin Salih, who chaired the occasion, administered the oath of office to the new Sadr.

He praised Mr. Bonsu for his selfless contribution to the growth of the Majlis as well as achievements chalked during his tenure.

The Ameer asked for Allah’s continuous grace, protection, prosperity, long life, sound health and guidance for the outgone Sadr and his family so that he would continue to be of service to the Majlis and Jama’at Ahmadiyya as a whole.

He said the new Sadr and the entire Aamila were capable of the positions entrusted to them and should strive hard to protect and improve upon the gains that their predecessors had chalked.

Maulvi Salih said much was expected from those who were graduating into Majlis Ansarullah for their services would be needed at all costs.

The Ameer described the payment of chanda as an act of worship of true Ahmadi Muslims and would continue even though a time was coming when the richest organization in the world would be Jama’at Ahmadiyyat, but, even then, the payment of chanda would still be compulsory for each and every Ahmadi.

Mr. Bipuah was Naib Sadr, Northern Sector for six years until his elevation as Sadr. Before that, he was the Ashanti Regional Qaid from 2012 to 2016.

He requested prayers from the Ameer and Missionary-in-Charge as well as assistance from members of the Majlis to enable him to fulfill his mandate to the satisfaction of Almighty Allah and our beloved Huzur(atba).

He hoped that the inclusion of Missionaries in the National Aamila would translate into improvement of Majlis activities and programs and become a source of blessing for the National Aamila.

Mr. Bipuah commended the former Sadr for sacrificing his time and money in the service of the Majlis. In particular, he mentioned the donation of a car to the Majlis. The former Sadr served for three terms from 2016 to 2022. He leaves office still a Khaadim.

For his part, Mr. Bonsu listed the key achievements under his administration as the construction of Aiwan-e-Khidmate (Hall of Service) at the National Headquarters, Accra, refurbishment of Maqbara Musian (Cemetery for Moosis) at Kasoa, completion of Jama’at/Khuddam History Preservation Project, visits to every zone of the Ghana Jama’at and the implementation of 2% and 1% of Khuddam specific chanda, among others.

He expressed his gratitude to the Ameer Sahib and the entire Majlis for the support he received during his tenure as Sadr.

The new Sadr was born in 1985 in Nabulo in Sissala East District of the Upper West Region. He had his secondary school education at T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Kumasi, and graduated with a BSc and MPhil degrees in Biological Science both from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

He is currently a PhD student in Environmental Engineering Management at the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, and a final year student at the Ghana School of Law.

1 reply

    Our new Sadr has been groomed for leadership.

    He was was my senior from Real Amass who handed over to me as the Mosque Overseer and the Ashanti Regional AMSAG President in 2009.

    May Allah grant him a successful leadership regime and bless the Majlis for us.


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