
Afram Plains Circuit hosts Nkawkaw Zonal Activities

Story by Hussain Atta Ansong Harun, Qaid D’ila, Nkawkaw Zone

Nine Khuddam and a tifl from the Abirim and Nkawkaw Circuits embarked on a journey from Nkawkaw through the Kwahu mountains and across the Afram river on a pontoon, and then by road to Tease, the headquarters of the Afram Plains Circuit.

A Zonal Aamila meeting was held during which the Zonal Qaid, Mr Hussain Atta Ansong Harun urged members to serve the faith in whatever capacity they can until the time when they can no longer do so. He supported his exhortation with chapter 23, verses 100 – 101 of the Holy Qu’ran. The meeting was graced by the Eastern Regional Qaid, Mr Fareed Kolevi.

After the Aamila meeting, the Khuddam visited active and inactive members in the circuit. In all, 20 Jama’at members were reached.

To foster inter-religious cooperation among the youth from other faiths, a football match was played with the youth of Church of Christ in Tease.

Nkawkaw Majlis team who played against the Church of Christ team.

In the evening, a public preaching session, which was chaired by Mr. Dawood Osei, was held in Tease. The speakers were Mr Shuaib Mustapha Bamuah, Afram Plains Circuit Qaid and Mr Sadique Osei, Nkawkaw Zonal Tabligh Secretary. They spoke on the topic ‘Islam – a universal religion’.

The second day’s activities began with congregational tahajjud prayers which was led by the Afram Plains Circuit Missionary, Muallim Jibraeel Osei. The Mutamad for the Nkawkaw Zone, Mr Ahmad Frimpong, gave a dars after the tahajjud prayers after which another public preaching through a local information centre was organized. The panelists for the programme were Muallim Jibraeel Osei, Mr Fareed Kolevi, Mr Hussain Atta Ansong Harun and Mr Dawood Osei. They were hosted by Mr Sadique Osei on the topic ‘Drugs and Alcoholism’.


Subsequently, a visit was made to Dedesu where a plot of land acquired by the Afram Plains Circuit was inspected. Discussions were made on how best to put the land to use.

The Nkawkaw Zone comprises the Abirim, Afram Plains and Nkawkaw Circuits in the Eastern Region. 17 Khuddam and eight Atfal participated in the series of activities which were held in the first quarter of the Majlis year.

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