Salat Is Obligatory. Keep On Telling Them – Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(atba) To Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Ghana

A total of 41 National Aamila members, including 10 Regional Qaideen, were present.

Hazrat Amirul Momineen(atba) conveyed his salaam to open the meeting. He led members in a silent prayer.  Thereafter Huzoor(atba) asked each office bearer,  starting from the Sadr, Hanif Bipuah Sahib, to introduce themselves.

In the course of the self-introduction, Huzoor(atba) had some guidance for them.

Regarding the office of umumi, Hazrat Amirul Momineen(atba) said, “Also, during Friday prayers, you should cover your mosque. Ask your respective nazimeen umumi to cover their mosques in their respective areas. During Jumuah prayers, khuddam should be on security duty there at the mosques.”

The Mutamad, Irfan Essah Hammond Sahib, was advised by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(atba) to visit the national office at least once a week.  He should train his naib who visits the national office regularly by giving him the needed directions.

Speaking with AlHassan Attaquayson Sahib, who is the Muawin Sadr in charge of Jaidad, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(atba) asked if MKA Ghana had any property, to which he replied in the affirmative and said that they had one at Osu, the headquarters. Hearing this, Hazrat Amirul Momineen(atba) said, “[In] Osu headquarters, you have only been given one room there.  That is the property of Jamaat …. That is not Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya’s personal property.  Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya should also have some personal property; build your own separate office, purchase some land; … don’t only rely on the Jamaat’s headquarters. You should have your own headquarters.”

Relating to the office of Rishta Nata, Huzoor(atba) said, “You should try to make many matches. I have been receiving many letters from Lajna Imaillah members and Khuddam, as well, saying they want to get married but are not finding good matches. So, you should help them.”

Addressing Abdul Rahman Abdullah Sahib, the Muhtamim Talim, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(atba) said: There are quite grown-up and educated Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya members; you should prescribe some books of the Promised Messiah, on whom be peace, for them to read, or books of the Khulafa to read so that they can have good knowledge about their religion.

Huzoor(atba), speaking to Sadique Koomson Sahib, Naib Muhtamim Talim, said, “You should help your Muhtamim Talim so that more effort can be made to get more people involved in reading [the prescribed] books.”

Huzoor(atba) advised the Muhtamim Atfal, Saeed bin Usman Sahib, to intensify efforts in updating the tajneed of the Atfal. In addition, His Holiness said, “You should also prescribe some religious books for Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya according to their age group so that they can better their religious knowledge.”

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(atba) added, “In this world, everybody is indulged, too much, in worldly affairs and worldly things, and there are so many programmes that are being shown on television.  There are some other materials available nowadays on [the] internet and everywhere that can destroy the lives of youngsters. So, just to keep them streamlined.  We shall make more effort for their training for their tarbiyat.”

In the area of chanda Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid, Huzoor(atba) addressed the amila and said, “Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya should [contribute] at least 33% of the total amount realized by the Jamaat towards Tahrik-e-Jadid. … this is how you can help the Jamaat by collecting chanda Tahrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid as well.”

Addressing Abdul Wahab Suleman Sahib, Secretary Tajneed, Huzoor(atba) said, “You have to make more effort to update your tajnid. According to my own feeling, if I am correct, your tajneed is only up to 10% of the total number of Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, because the bai‘ats and the reports that I get from the Jamaat show that at least the number of khuddam should not be less than 200,000. You should coordinate with the Jamaat and ask them where those people are. If they are hidden, if the number is hidden somewhere, then unearth them. … You will have to go to the remote areas to towns and villages. …”

To Abdul Malik Hammond Sahib, who is the Muhtamim Umur-e-tulaba, Huzoor(atba) asked how many students were currently studying at university. Abdul Malik Hammond Sahib reported that 253 students were studying at university. Advising him about his department, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(atba) said “You will have to work hard to update your records.”

Regarding the office of Khidmat-e-khalq, Huzoor(atba) encouraged the officers in charge to increase the number of visits to the poor by involving amila members at all levels.

Huzoor(atba), addressing the Muhtamim Ishaat, Fadl Rahman Essel Sahib, asked, “Do you have any Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya organ that is being printed every month or on a quarterly basis?” He replied that they were currently collecting content and articles. Hearing this, Huzoor(atba) said, “Try to make it regular.”

In the area of tabligh, the officer in charge was advised to set some ambitious goals with regards to the number of bai’ats. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V(atba) said, “The target of 100 bai‘ats should be given to the national amila [alone]. And if you give the target to the mulk [i.e. national] amila and then to the amilas of majalis, it should go at least up to 1,000. … Try to make some ambitious goals, then you can succeed.”

Huzoor(atba) asked Naseem Ahmad Nyame Sahib, mohtamim tarbiyat of the Northern Sector, how many khuddam offer their five daily prayers in congregation. Upon hearing his response, Hazrat Amirul Momineen(atba) said, “It’s too small. Salat is obligatory.” Huzoor(atba) asked if the rest were at least praying regularly or if they were missing the prayers. Naseem Nyame Sahib said that some were praying regularly but not reporting on the assessment platform.

Huzoor(atba) said, “Keep on telling them, from time to time, that salat is an obligatory thing and they should offer it regularly and better and in congregation. …” Hazrat Amirul Momineen(atba) emphasized the importance of reading and understanding the Holy Quran.

The Qaideen Ilaqa were advisd to follow the same guidance given to the Muhtamimeen. Huzoor(atba) said “As qaideen Ilaqa, they should work on all of these issues. This is how they can be helpful to the central majlis-e-amila and Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya,”

It was quiet amazing how Huzoor’s(atba) memories about Ghana were still fresh as he mentioned towns and personalities, he visited and encountered some 46 years ago.

In the end, addressing Sadr Sahib, Hazrat Amirul Momineen(atba) said, “Whatever I wanted to say, I have already told you during my introduction with your mohtamimeen and now I have given you a brief sketch of your work so you [should] work on it. If you work on it, I think, insha-Allah, your majlis will flourish, insha-Allah! Allah, the Almighty, help you, Allah the Almighty bless you.”

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