The Atfal Department supervises all affairs of Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya, Ghana. The department draws up an annual program for the Atfal and supervises its execution. The department also ensures the proper upbringing of Ahmadi Boys in a proper manner so that they may be molded in such a way that they are able to utilize their God-gifted abilities towards the progress of the Jama`at and the community.


  • Impart preliminary knowledge concerning Religion, Nation, and Country
  • Make appropriate arrangements for sports and exercises for the sake of physical health
  • Adopt means to safeguard Atfal from the evils of the environment, and shall exhort to inculcate in them excellent morals
  • Make Atfal abide by the timings of education

Saeed Bin Usman


Sadique Nkrumah