Story by: Bilal A. Ahmed (Ishaat, Akim Oda Zone)

The Akim Oda Zone Majlis through the office of Khidmat-e-Khalq embarked on a donation exercise on August 1st, 2021 at Osenase Orphanage, near Asamankese in the Eastern Region. The orphanage has twenty (20) wards, with three (3) in university, two (2) in vocational institutions, four (4) in secondary school, and the remaining at various levels of basic/primary school. 

The Majlis delegation composed of some members of the Zonal Amila along with the Zonal Missionary (also a khaddim) led the presentation of the gifts which included food items (such as bags of rice, cooking oil, packs of soft drinks, etc), some pairs of slippers, toiletries (gallons of hand sanitizer, boxes of soap, tissue paper, etc), some copies of Review of Religions and a cash amount of One thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢ 1,000.00).

Making the presentation, the Nazim Khidmat-e-Khalq, Qaid Illaqa, and the Zonal Missionary took turns to appeal to the children to be humble and obedient to their elders. They also encouraged the caretakers to have patience with their wards as the job can be demanding and overwhelming but assured them of the abundance of blessings in such an endeavor they have undertaken.

The management of the orphanage received the donations and expressed immense gratitude to the Majlis and prayed to be included in future exercises of such nature.

The whole exercise was a success Alhamdulillah.

Story by: Abdul Malik Owusu Adam, Naib Qaid II, Sekyere Zone.


Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Sekyere Zone has had a successful conference at Pramso Circuit. The conference was held on 25th July 2021.The members were educated and advised by the Sadr Mulk MKA Ghana, Mr. Nasir Ahmed Bonsu and other invited guests on the theme; SURELY SUCCESS DOES COME TO THE BELIEVERS……HQ 23: 2”. The Sadr Mulk emphasized on the fear of Allah and the responsibilities of true believers in order to attain success that comes from Allah during our lives on earth and the hereafter.

Members also benefitted from various activities which included the preparation of Banana Ice cream, yoghourt and Bee Keeping. Again, finals of the Sekyere Zone League were played which saw Pramso Circuit emerging winners with Asokore Circuit placing second.

There were also various academic competitions held and a special session for the education on how to report on the Salat App and why must it be a core duty of members to report daily. The session was also followed by questions and answers on Salat. Various awards were also given to deserving members and circuits.

There was a visitation to children home named Grace of Hope Foundation at Abrankese close to Pramso. Items donated worth Gh₵ 500.The items included Half Bag of Rice, 2 mini gallons of oil, washing powder, tissue papers, 4 cartons of paper drinks and a sum of money. A total of 103 khuddam and 116 Atfal were present.

The conference was graced by many important personalities of the Jama’at  including the Ashanti Regional President (Mr. Jamil Badu), The Zonal Missionary for Sekyere Zone(Maulvi Ghulam Malik), The Zonal President  for Sekyere(Mr. Jamal Latif Frimpong), Naib Sadr Northern Sector ( Mr. Hanif Bipuah), Muawin Sadr for Ashanti Zones (Mr. Abdul Wahab Adusei),  Qaid  Ilaqa for Sekyere (Mr. Inusah  Shaibu), Qaid Ilaqa for  Kumasi  Zone(Mr. Mahmud Ennin),  Qaid Ilaqa for Obuase Zone ( Mr. Ahmed Fordjour), Muhtamin Isha’at (Mr. Mohammed Adusei), Muhtamim  Mal(Mr. Kobina Ahmed Benyarko), Naib Mu’tamad Mulk(Mr. Irfan Hammond).

Story by: Bilal A. Ahmed (Ishaat, Akim Oda Zone)

The Akim Oda Zone Majlis through the office of Khidmat-e-Khalq embarked on a donation exercise on August 1st, 2021 at Osenase Orphanage, near Asamankese in the Eastern Region. The orphanage has twenty (20) wards, with three (3) in university, two (2) in vocational institutions, four (4) in secondary school, and the remaining at various levels of basic/primary school. The Majlis delegation composed of some members of the Zonal Amila along with the Zonal Missionary (also a khaddim) led the presentation of the items which included food items (bags of rice, cooking oil, packs of soft drinks, etc), some pairs of slippers, toiletries (gallons of hand sanitizer, boxes of soap, tissue paper, etc), some copies of Review of Religions and a cash amount of One thousand Ghana Cedis (GH¢ 1,000.00). Making the presentation, the Nazim Khidmat-e-Khalq, Qaid Illaqa, and the Zonal Missionary took turns to appeal to the children to be humble and obedient to their elders. They also encouraged the caretakers to have patience with their wards as the job can be demanding and overwhelming but assured them of the abundance of blessings in such an endeavor they have undertaken. The administrators of the orphanage received the donations and expressed immense gratitude to the Majlis and prayed to be included in future exercises of such nature. The whole exercise was a success Alhamdulillah.

Story by: Abdul Rahim Nketsiah, Nazim Isha’at, Mankessim Zone


Mankessim Zone held their 39th Zonal Annual Ijtema’a on the 6th of June 2021 at the Ankamu Central Mosque in the Ankamu Circuit on the theme “THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN AHMADI MUSLIM; THE ROLE OF KHADDIM”. The Rally was in two sections. The first section comprises academic competitions and the second section was the main Sitting of the function.

Various competitions such as Quiz, Qur’an Recitation, Qur’an Memorization, Extempore and Message Delivery were undertaken during the rally. All Circuit were able to present their candidate for the competition.

The second section was chaired by the Sadr of Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya Ghana (MKAGH) in person of Mr. Nasir Ahmad Bonsu. Also, present were the Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Hafiz Abdul Nasir Bhatti, Mr. Mustapha Amissah, Muhtamim Waqar Amal, Mr. Musah Kofi Amissah, the Naib Sadr, MKAGH Southern Sector,

The section was commenced by recitation from the Holy Qur’an by Master Abdul Majeed Ibrahim from the Ankamu Circuit. Master Mohammed Acheampong form the Essarkyir Circuit also recited an Arabic Poem. The Zonal Missionary delivered a short speech and offered the opening prayer.

In the welcome address of the Zonal Qaid, Mr. Jamil Rahman Nyame, the Zonal Qaid and his team toured all the 8 Circuits in the zone. Again, all the 31 Majalis in the zone have organized their rallies for the first time in the history of Mankessim Zone. The zone has also embarked on agriculture. The zone can boast of by planting coconut trees in the Kyeakor Circuit. The zone was also able to organize its Atfal Zonal Rally as well as Khuddam Zonal Rally. The zone has taking an initiative of give out credits (Airtime and Bundles) to the circuit qaideen to facilitate the sending of Salat Report of their members.

In spite of all these achievements, in respect to the salat report, the zone is still having problems when it comes to sending of salat report.

Sadr sahib made some comments after the rendition of the welcome address. In his comments, he emphasized on our attitude towards the sending of the salat report by members. He made some references from our Khuddam pledge as well as how the youth at the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad saw lay down their lives for the safety of their beloved leader. In our pledge, we pledged that “Moreover I shall deem it essential to abide by any Maroof decision made by the Khalifatul Masih”. He demands from us to offer our salat as well as to report on them accordingly, yet we are not abiding by his decision.

From the speech of the Guest Speaker, Mr. Musah Kofi Amissah, Naib Sadr (MKAGH) Southern Sector, the responsibilities of Ahmadi Muslims were enlightened. He made references from the book titled THE TEN CONDITIONS OF BAI’AT by the Khalifatul Masih V, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadatba.

From the first condition, “The initiate shall solemnly promise that he/she shall abstain from shirk”. He said the previous speakers have already dwell on this condition. He also said, in this condition, worshipping of another being constitute shirk but also our very own behavior that goes contrary to the teachings of Allah. For instance, the Champions League finals coincides with the Isha prayers. How many of us here offered his Isha prayer before watching the match? If we did otherwise, it also constitute shirk.

From the second condition, “That he/she shall keep away from falsehood, fornication/adultery, trespasses of the eye, debauchery, dissipation, cruelty, dishonesty, mischief and rebellion; and that he/she will not permit himself/herself to be carried away by passions, however strong they might be”. It is our responsibility to refrain from falsehood as we call ourselves Ahmadi Muslims. In this generation we find ourselves in, fornication and adultery are very rampant. This is the time we the Ahmadis should show to the world by refraining ourselves from these activities.

“That he/she shall regularly offer the five daily Prayers in accordance with the commandments of God and the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa and shall try his/her best to be regular in offering the tahajjud and invoking durud on the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. That he/she shall make it his/her daily routine to ask forgiveness for his/her sins, to remember the bounties of God and to praise and glorify Him”. From this condition, it should be our outmost behavior to offer our five daily prayer as well as to try our best to offer Tahajjud and invoke Durud on the Holy Prophetsaw. It is now our duty to offer our five daily prayers and report on it as it is demanded from us by our Khalifatul Masih V.

The ijtema’a recorded a total tajneed of One Hundred and Ninety (190) members which comprises 176 Khuddam, 6 Atfal, and 8 Ansarullah.

Story by Ahmed Acheampong-Kankam, Nazm Isha’at, Kumasi Zone

In the year 2020, the entire world was hit by the novel Corona Virus. The world was ushered into new ways of doing things. Amongst them was the Virtual Quran Competition. MTA International organized a World Quran Competition.

About 40 participants from countries like Germany, USA, Canada, Brazil, Nigeria, Ghana, Syria and many other countries.


A young man from the Kumasi Zone in Ghana emerged winner. He’s in the person of Hafiz Abdus Samad Boateng. He was born on the 30th of September, 1997 to Mr. Osman Yaw Ahmed and Madam Hawa Osman with four sisters. He is a student of Jamia Ahmadiyya International Ghana currently.

May the Almighty Allah out of his grace increase him in knowledge. Ameen!

As part of the activities by the MKAGH, through the office of Sihat-e-jismani, members are suppose to engage themselves in sporting activities that will always keep them healthy. Upon this the Sekyere Zone chapter of the MKAGH decided to launch a league game which was graced by our Sadr Mulk early this year. Unfortunately after the play of two matches, COVID-19 set in which the President of the republic kept a ban on all forms of gathering which the league was not exempted. By the grace of the Almighty Allah, this ban was lifted which pave way for the resumption of the Sekyere Zonal League.

On the 15th of November,2020 the open match after the break was between Mampong Circuit and Baworo Circuit where Mampong welcomed Baworo at the Mampong town park and defeated them by 5 goals to 1. Pramso Circuit also hosted Asokore Circuit and also defeated Asokore by 2 goals to nill on the 21st of November,2020.

18 members from Asokore Circuit and 19 members from Pramso with two Officials from Baworo were present and also in that of the Mampong and Baworo games, 28 and 23 members were present making both games a total of 85 members present.