Story by Dika Yakub, Nazim Isha’at, Volta Zone

The Volta Zone of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya has a new Qaid in the person of Mr. Abdul Salam Inkoom.

He succeeds Mr. Ishmael Ewudzie, who has migrated to Majlis Ansarullah with his Naib Qaid, Mr. Suleman Samiu Ankam.

The handing over ceremony took place at Ho on November 19, 2022.

Members got so emotional during the handing over address and that of his Naib Qaid. They mentioned that they have been through and thin to bring the Majlis to its feet and present strength. Therefore, members should always remember their pledges, inculcate the spirit of steadfastness and forge ahead to see the Majlis advance to greater heights.

Members gave them assurance that they would follow in their footsteps and work hard to crown their efforts. They were honored with citations.

Mr. Ishmael Ewudzie and Mr. Suleman Samiu Ankam served for three terms from 2016 to 2022.

The Qaid Dila for Ekumfi, Mr. Abubakar Arthur, has urged members of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya in Ekumfi Zone to respond swiftly to matters relating to the Majlis.

He made the call at the maiden Aamila meeting of the Zone on Sunday, November 27, 2022 at Ekumfi.

Mr. Arthur, who has taken over from Hon. Jamil Rahman Nyame as Zonal Qaid, charged executives to work to the satisfaction of Allah, who rewards those who work in His cause.

“We should take immediate action whenever and wherever duty calls. We should be swift in responding to matters affecting the Majlis”, he said.

He stressed the need for members to pray for one another so they would follow the system of the Jama’at and the Nizam of the Majlis.

Mr. Ibrahim Kwame Adjei, Naib Qaid and Nazim Mal, described the tenure of Hon. Nyame as exemplary. “By dint of hard work, commitment and dedication to work and sacrifice, he has been elevated as Qaid for the Central Region”, he added.

Mr. Jamil Rahman Nyame served as Zonal Qaid for two terms from 2018 to 2022.

Story by Yusuf Ibrahim Dadzie, Nazim Isha’at, Ekumfi Zone

Story by Mamutas Kwesi Arkoh, Naib Muhtamim Isha’at

Mr. Hanif Bipuah, a Public Servant working with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Education Unit, Kumasi, assumed office on November 1, 2022, as the new Sadr of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya, Ghana. He took over from Mr. Nasir Ahmed Bonsu, an entrepreneur, at a handing over ceremony at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission Headquarters in Accra.

The Ameer and Missionary-in-Charge, Maulvi Mohammed Bin Salih, who chaired the occasion, administered the oath of office to the new Sadr.

He praised Mr. Bonsu for his selfless contribution to the growth of the Majlis as well as achievements chalked during his tenure.

The Ameer asked for Allah’s continuous grace, protection, prosperity, long life, sound health and guidance for the outgone Sadr and his family so that he would continue to be of service to the Majlis and Jama’at Ahmadiyya as a whole.

He said the new Sadr and the entire Aamila were capable of the positions entrusted to them and should strive hard to protect and improve upon the gains that their predecessors had chalked.

Maulvi Salih said much was expected from those who were graduating into Majlis Ansarullah for their services would be needed at all costs.

The Ameer described the payment of chanda as an act of worship of true Ahmadi Muslims and would continue even though a time was coming when the richest organization in the world would be Jama’at Ahmadiyyat, but, even then, the payment of chanda would still be compulsory for each and every Ahmadi.

Mr. Bipuah was Naib Sadr, Northern Sector for six years until his elevation as Sadr. Before that, he was the Ashanti Regional Qaid from 2012 to 2016.

He requested prayers from the Ameer and Missionary-in-Charge as well as assistance from members of the Majlis to enable him to fulfill his mandate to the satisfaction of Almighty Allah and our beloved Huzur(atba).

He hoped that the inclusion of Missionaries in the National Aamila would translate into improvement of Majlis activities and programs and become a source of blessing for the National Aamila.

Mr. Bipuah commended the former Sadr for sacrificing his time and money in the service of the Majlis. In particular, he mentioned the donation of a car to the Majlis. The former Sadr served for three terms from 2016 to 2022. He leaves office still a Khaadim.

For his part, Mr. Bonsu listed the key achievements under his administration as the construction of Aiwan-e-Khidmate (Hall of Service) at the National Headquarters, Accra, refurbishment of Maqbara Musian (Cemetery for Moosis) at Kasoa, completion of Jama’at/Khuddam History Preservation Project, visits to every zone of the Ghana Jama’at and the implementation of 2% and 1% of Khuddam specific chanda, among others.

He expressed his gratitude to the Ameer Sahib and the entire Majlis for the support he received during his tenure as Sadr.

The new Sadr was born in 1985 in Nabulo in Sissala East District of the Upper West Region. He had his secondary school education at T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Kumasi, and graduated with a BSc and MPhil degrees in Biological Science both from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

He is currently a PhD student in Environmental Engineering Management at the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, and a final year student at the Ghana School of Law.

Members of the Waqf-e-Nau scheme have been urged to constantly seek guidance from the Khalifa of the time and inform Huzur about every feat attained in school and life.

Also, after completing their studies and becoming teachers, doctors, electricians, plumbers, drivers, architects, and engineers, they are required to report to Huzur through the National Waqf-e-Nau Coordinator.

The National Coordinator of the Ghana Waqf-e Nau Scheme, Hafiz Maulvi Mohammed Saani Abdullai who made this known at the ongoing 41st annual rally of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya Ghana said, they will then be posted into various jama’at institutions in any country around the world if their services are immediately needed or will be allowed to take up jobs of their choices but devote their vacations and weekends to the service of the jama’at and humanity at large.

Maulvi Saani appealed to the Khuddam to take up the challenge of devoting many of their children to the scheme.

He asked the khuddam to support the Waqf-e-Nau scheme to build an army of highly spiritual and moral but equally highly educated devotees who will always be ready to serve humanity in all spheres of life.

He charged couples to be united in their desire to devote their unborn children to the scheme. He said, a situation where one of the parents is not in agreement or is in doubt, will lead to the failure of it.

The Waqf-e-Nau is a devotion scheme established under Divine guidance by the 4th Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Movement on 3rd April 1987, under which parents may devote their children to the service of the jama’at and humanity even before their birth.

The scheme is aimed at making parents train their children both religious and secular well. There is a required syllabus and other training materials for those on the scheme. When a Waqf-e-Nau child attains the age of 15, a reconfirmation form is filled, through which a Waqf-e-Nau child reaffirms that he/she understands and whole-heartedly accepts the sacrifice made by his/her parents and consequently pledges to continue in line with the desire of his/her parents. The reconfirmation may be done once again at age 21.

Story by Abdul Hameed Amponsah, Accra.

The 41st Annual National Ijtema’a (rally) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Organization Ghana is underway at Bustan-e-Ahmad in Accra.

The rally, which is an annual event on the calendar of the Majlis Khuddam, began with the registration of participants following their arrival at the venue and registration for academic and sporting competitions.

The Review of Religions

The National Coordinator for Review of Religions Ghana, Maulvi Umar Gyasi Agyemang, gave a presentation on “The Review of Religions; a Panacea for Moral Regeneration.” In his address, he pointed out that acquiring knowledge is essential, elevates people, and opens Allah’s door to those endowed with it. According to Maulvi Umar, our Beloved Khalifa’s response to a question on his vision for Ghana shows that knowledge acquisition is his ultimate requirement for seeing all Africans become Muslims and that this should be the goal of every leader of the Jama’at.

Maulvi stressed that personal development and acquaintance with the teachings of the Jama’at are indispensable in carrying out any form of Tabligh. Therefore, according to him, the Review of Religions has become an essential source for religious knowledge and contemporary issues regarding knowledge acquisition.

He said, “The western world boldly denies the existence of God while Africans are gradually doing the same thing through their actions like interest and addiction to online gambling and betting. With these social vices sweeping across all countries of the world, The God Summit, a product of the Review of Religions, has recently made a significant impact by drawing the world’s attention to the existence of God”.

“The Promised Messiahas has warned his community about the danger associated with the non-existence of the Review of Religions. Therefore, Ahmadi Muslims must preserve the continuity of the Review of Religions started by Promised Messiah and Mahdi Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as)  in 1902.”

Maulvi Umar Gyasi announced that The Review of Religions is coming out with an innovative version in audio and video for variety. He said the ‘Review Digest,’ born out of popular demand and the guidance of our Beloved Huzoor, will soon be launched on MTA Africa.

The national coordinator called on all readers of the Review of Religions to handle it with extra care and caution due to the presence of Qu’ranic verses and Khalifa’s picture.


Mr. Ahmed Mensah, Accra Zonal Qaid, gave a general orientation about the rally venue. At the same time, Mr. Hanif Bipuah, Naib Sadr-Northern Sector & Afsar NIPC, provided guidelines for the rally, following which indoor games for both Atfal and Khuddam took place. The games included Musical Chair for Atfal, Scrabble, Domino, Ludo, Oware, Cards & Draught for Khuddam.

Story by Fadl Rahman Essel and Nurudin Ahmed Tetteh, Accra.

The Gomoa East Zone of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya Ghana, on Saturday, 23rd April, 2022, made donations at separate functions to the Winneba Local Prisons and the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, all in Winneba.

The donation forms part of the Majlis’ action plan for the year and also in the observance of the fast in the month of Ramadan. This gesture by the Majlis was to show compassion and affection to the inmates of the Prisons as well as the children at the Paediatric Unit of the Trauma and Specialist Hospital.

Speaking at both presentations, the Zonal Qaid, Mr. Abdul Hameed Amponsah said, the period of Ramadan is for the showing of love to all of mankind by the Almighty Allah and was therefore necessary for the Khuddam to extend a helping hand to the less fortunate and underprivileged in society.

Cross section of leading entourage for the donation exercise

He observed that it was the first time ever in the history of the Khuddam in the zone to make such a donation and was hopeful the kind gesture would be repeated often, not only to the prisons but also to other segments of society that may be in need. He was grateful to the Khuddam in the Gomoa East Zone for the initiative and the immense support in getting the needed items that were donated.

The Winneba Local Prisons Commander, ADP Peter Afari Mintah, who received the items, expressed the appreciation of the Command and that of the inmates to the team.

He said, there is a thin line between a prisoner and the one who is not in prison, and as such, there was, therefore, the need for society to turn its attention to the inmates. He added that some inmates have found themselves in prison due to many factors and therefore must be supported towards their rehabilitation.

ADP Peter Afari Mintah recalled a courtesy call by the Zonal Missionary to his office in 2021 and promised a fruitful relationship between the Command and the Zone.

In full compliance with the COVID-19 protocols, however, only a few members of the team were allowed entry into the prison yard to talk and pray with the inmates.

Items donated at the prisons were bags of rice, gari, cassava, water, and cooking oil. There was also a carton of canned tomato, disinfectants, quantities of assorted soaps, sugar, loaves of bread, used clothing, toothpastes and toothbrushes.

At the Trauma and Specialist Hospital, Winneba, the team was received by the Officer-In-Charge of the Neo-Natal and Intensive Care Unit, Madam Joyce Mawuena Apau.

She expressed gratitude on behalf of the Unit management and the patients to the team for such a wonderful gesture.

Items donated to the facility and patients included baby diapers, bottled water, non-alcoholic drinks, soap, and disinfectants. Others included bleach, baby clothing, and sanitary tissues among others.

Present at the ceremony were the Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Abu Basheer Donkoh, and Mr. Nazir Ahmad Keelson, an elder of the zone.