Story by Marfo Hussain Yusif, Atfal Nazim, Kumasi North Zone.

The Kumasi North Zone of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya Ghana, has held its annual Atfal rally on the theme “Atfal: future of the Majlis” at Asafo, Kumasi on March 20th, 2022.

Speaking at the well-attended programme, the Guest Speaker, Muallim Ahmed Adams of Nwabiagya circuit, spoke on the need for the Atfal to build a strong link with the Khalifa and to recognize the immense responsibilities on them as members of the Atfal-lul Ahmadiyya.

Making reference to the address of the Khalifatul Massih Vaba, during the UK National Ijtma 2021, he advised the Atfal to always do the right thing at home, school and wherever they find themselves. He quoted part of Khalifa’s address to buttress his point, saying “It is a fundamental truth that the children and youth of each nation have a great role to play in the progress and wellbeing of their community”.

Muallim Adams further stressed on the fact that every member of the jama’at should always reflect upon the fact that they have personal responsibilities to the mission of the Promised Messiahas, as said by Huzur in his said address.

The Muawin Sadr for the Ashanti and Northern Zones, Mr. Abdul Wahab Adusei who was present was impressed with the manner the Atfal conducted themselves throughout the programme.

He reminded them on the need to be punctual and regular at prayers and be obedient to their parents and elders in society. He entreated them to stay away from all negative practices to be seen as true followers of the Promised Messiah.

Master Sheriff Abubakar who chaired the function, emphasized the need for the Atfal to be brought together on regular basis to remind themselves of their duties and the jama’at’s expectation from them.

Mualim Suleman Yakubu admonished the Atfal to make reading of the Holy Quran and their prayers very seriously, adding, that, the one who does not mind his salaat performance cannot please Allah.

There were competitions in Quran Reading, Azan Calling, Pick and Act, and Salaat Performance. Certificates were awarded to the 1st and 2nd place winners.

Story by Jamil Rahman Nyame.

The first ever circuit rally of the newly created Ekrawfo circuit of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya has been held at Ekumfi Ekrawfo in the Ekumfi Zone of the Ekumfi district of the Central region on 18th February, 2022.

Delivering the keynote address, Maulvi Hafiz Mohammed Arkoh, the Ekumfi Zonal Missionary tasked the khuddam to change from any negative attitude that they find themselves in. He noted that “a nation cannot reform without the reformation of the youth” as expounded by the second khalifa of the Ahmadiyya movement.

He called on the Ahmadi youth to lead an exemplary life for the rest of the society to emulate. The youth should refrain from all forms of immoral acts such as gambling, adultery, stealing, disobedience etc. Maulvi Arko again called on Ahmadi youth to hold on strong to the rope of Allah, be observant in prayers as instituted by Allah.

The Zonal Missionary cautioned them against giving excuses when it comes to financial sacrifices in the cause of Ahmadiyyat and entreated them to pay all financial obligations according to their earnings.

Maulvi sahib ended by stating emphatically that the surest way of implementing good and eschewing evil deeds is by studying Islamic Teachings and putting them into practice.

The Zonal Qaid, Mr. Jamil Rahman Nyame, who chaired the occasion called on the elders of the jama’at to help the youth to gain employment. He asked the youth to obey working ethics when employed so as not to bring shame to the elders and the jama’at.

The circuit rally recorded 36 khuddam and Ekrawfo Circuit President Alhaj Mohammed Essako in attendance.

Story by Yahaya Mohammed Akansise, Nazim Atfal Sunyani Zone.

A 1-day orientation for Zonal Aamila members has been held at Sunyani Ahmadiyya Mosque for Aamila member of Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya in Techiman and Sunyani Zones. This orientation took place on Sunday, January 16, 2022 where the Naib Sadr in charge of Administration and Greater Accra, Mr. Haneef Sam Keelson facilitated this all-important event.

The programme commenced with a Quranic recitation and translation by Mr. Khalid Ansah Budu, reading from Quran Chapter 2:9-13. An opening prayer was said by Muallim Farouk Sadick of Nsoatre circuit followed by the introduction of eighteen (18) participants from both zones and their various Qaideen, Mr. Kamar Bin Usman, Techiman Zone and Mr. Raphic Takyi Hadrat of Sunyani zone.

The Facilitator, Mr. Keelson discussed to the understanding of members the various offices of the Majlis and their reporting format. Mr. Keelson encouraged members to read the Khuddam constitution regularly and also encouraged members to familiarize themselves with the consolidated programme of activities for the majlis since it helps in meeting targets. He again advised that for record purposes, members should stick to reporting of activities via email since it is more reliable.

The Facilitator encouraged members to subscribe to the Review of Religions magazine and tasked the Zonal Isha’at Nazimeen present to take charge. Naib Sadr Administration indicated that members should take activities of welfare seriously, especially to widows, orphanages, prisons, and special schools as they help to straighten our behaviour. For issues of blood donation, he encouraged members to use the channel of communication from Nazim Khidmat-e-Khalq to the Muhtamim Khidmat-e-Khalq.

Reviewing the office of Mal, he encouraged transparency and proper accountability on all expenditure. He posited that Sadr is the only spending officer. Mr. Keelson encouraged Health & Fitness and Trade & Commerce offices to come up with creative ideas to help members. He further discussed the office of Ta’lim and advised Khuddam to participate in public preaching as well as training others to preach.

In his concluding remarks, he again encouraged the zonal officers to coordinate and work as a team.

Story by Mahdi Abdullah, Tamale.

The members of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya, Tamale Zone, undertook a Waqar-e-Amal exercise at the Tamale Central Mosque on Sunday, 23rd January 2022. The exercise recorded 21 Khuddam and 4 Atfal in attendance and participation.

The activities carried out included scrubbing of floors of the washrooms, desilting of gutters, and clearing of refuse around the mosque.

The Muhtamim Waqar-Amal, Mr. Alhassan Atta-Quayson who was on a visit to the zone graced the occasion and was pleased about the exercise, admonished members to ensure that the blessed exercise is organised in at least each majalis in the zone once every month. He again advised members to observe their daily Salat on its appointed time and report on them accordingly.

The Zonal Missionary for Tamale Zone, Maulvi Ibrahim Abubakar, and the Circuit Missionary, Abdur Rasheed Possible Essuman were also present at the exercise.  This exercise was in preparation for a public Waqar-e-Amal in the Tamale Metropolis.

As part of the effort of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Ghana to strengthen its’ ties with various government security agencies in the country, especially the Police Service, members of the Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Ghana in the Adenta-Madina Circuit of the Greater Accra Zone engaged the Ghana Police Service on the January 29, 2022. This engagement was with the Madina Division of the Service in Accra in a volleyball match at Bustan-e-Ahmad.

Though with very high expectations before the match, the Adenta-Madina Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya conceded a 3 – 1 loss to the Ghana Police Service.

In an address to the participants after the game, Qaid Ilaqa of Greater Accra Zone, Mr. Ahmad Mensah noted that, despite the Majlis losing to the Ghana Police Service in the game, it has achieved it ultimate aim of sowing a seed of friendship between the Ghana Police Service and the Majlis. The Zonal Qaid also expressed his appreciation to the Ghana Police Service for honoring the invitation of the Majlis.

The head of the Police Service team, Inspector Yusif Abubakar Yeboah (a Jama’at member) in an address to the participant also indicated that the police service has always been the “friend” to every citizen and will continue to be the friend of each citizen irrespective of your faith. He added that it is his wish to see similar events being organized frequently.

He further indicated that the win by the Police Service does not in any way override the aim of the event and expressed his appreciation to the Jama’at for organizing such an event.

The event was blessed with the presence of Accra Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Sayyid Ni’matullah, Markaz Missionaries stationed at MTA Ghana and some Senior Officers of the Ghana Police Service.

Story by Yakub Buabeng, Adenta-Madina – Accra Zone

The Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya in the Abura Zone in the Central Region of Ghana, on Sunday, January 02, 2022, held their second Aamila meeting for the 2021/2022 Majlis year. At this meeting, members discussed pressing issues pertaining to activities that would ensure the development of the Khuddam in the zone. The Abura Zone which previously included Cape Coast, Twifo Praso and Abura as circuits have now been divided into three with each circuit becoming a zone.

The meeting was climaxed with a handing over ceremony which saw the outgoing Zonal Qaid, Mr. Rahman Arthur Quarm give the mantle of leadership to the three new Qaideen. They Qaideen for the new zones are Mr. Hameed Muhammad Essouman, Mr. Ghafar Amosa Mensah and Mr. Ibrahim Ahmed Baafi for Abura Zone, Twifo Praso Zone and Cape Coast Zone respectively.

In his message to the new Qaideen, Mr. Arthur Quarm admonished the Qaideen to be firm and bold, not be afraid to reshuffle their Aamila to make sure what ought to be done were done well in line with the teachings and the Jama’at. He further advised the Aamila members to be united in all their endeavours and activities to project the zone, Khuddam in general and Islam Ahmadiyya at large.

He also entreated Aamila members to sacrifice their time and money in the cause of Islam Ahmadiyya and in return Allah, would reward everyone immensely and intensely. He further urged the Aamila members to be ready to take up leadership position both in the Jama’at and at their various workplaces.

Finally, he called on all to get vaccinated and continue to adhere to the COVID-19 safety protocols of wearing nose masks, frequent washing of hands, etc, just as Huzur and Ameer had instructed.

Story by Adam Bashir, Nazim Ishaat – Abura Zone.