In an effort to re-ignite the spirit, devotion and activeness of existing zonal office bearers and equip newly appointed ones, the Shooba Umumi under the direct auspices of Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya, Ghana has organized series of orientation workshop nationwide.

On Sunday, January 16, 2022, the Takoradi edition was organized at the Tanokrom Mosque in Takoradi. This exercise organized jointly for Zonal Aamila members in both Takoradi and Tarkwa zones was in three-fold, entailing the following;

  • Introduction of all zonal office bearers to the Consolidated Programme of Activities of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahamdiyya, Ghana for the 2021/2022 Majlis Year (which commenced in November 2021) and analyzing specific targets set for every shooba in the Majlis
  • Detailed explanation on Reporting format for every shooba concerned
  • Salaat Assessment Reporting (introduction to the new web-based App).

The main speaker for the event, who is the Muhtamim Umumi MKA-Ghana, Mr. Benyameen Entsir Keelson, in his introductory address stated that “…establishment of offices in the Majlis should be replicated in Dil’a and Muqami level to enable the smooth running of Majlis activities across all Jama’at, since these are the foundation of the Majlis”. He also stated emphatically that it is incumbent upon every office bearer to take their roles cricritically, since such responsibility is trusted upon them by Allah(swt).

Mr. Mamutaz K. Arkoh, Naib Muhtamim Isha’at MKA-Ghana, the second speaker, highlighted on key points on the Reporting formats. He also seized the opportunity to entreat the Nazimeen Isha’at to be hyper-active on all activities happening within their various zones and ensure photos of events happening in their zones and accompanied with stories/articles are sent to national for publications on the Majlis website (, social media platforms or Jama’at Newspaper. This he said, was also to present to audience the good image of the Majlis and Ahmadiyya at large.

In the final session of orientation workshop, office bearers were taken through the Salaat Assessment Report app live. Those who were yet to enroll were encouraged to do so and adviced to report daily, since this was a direct instruction from Khalifatul Masih V(atba) to all Khuddam in Ghana.

The event was concluded with a Question & Answer session. Mr. Benyameen Entsir Keelson, in his closing remarks, encouraged all Qaideen to make all necessary effort to replicate the orientation workshop to all their office bearers at the Dil’a and Muqami level. The orientation came to successful closure at 3:30pm with a total number 33 existing and newly appointed office bearers in attendance.

Story by Sadeeq Y. Ahmed, Nazim Isha’at – Takoradi Zone

There was a spectacle to behold at Petuduase in the Senya Circuit of the Gomoa East Zone, when four members of the Atfal on Saturday, 29th January 2022, surprised many when they resisted all attempts to stop them from donating blood. This happened at the Gomoa East Blood Donation Campaign when the train made a stop at Petuduase in the Senya Circuit of the Awutu Senya West District of the Central Region for the exercise.

The four; Abdul Fareed Ghansah 10, Abdul Salaam Tetteh 10, Yakubu Esseku 11 and Abdul Rahman Appah 13, who were said to have arrived at the venue before the arrival of the team, insisted that they were prepared psychologically and physically to partake in the exercise. According to them, there was much publicity about the blood donation drive in their Jama’at (Petuduase) and they were motivated by the information given by the Circuit Qaid to the Khuddam in their locality hence their decision to take part of the exercise. They emphasized that they were ever ready to help in saving lives through the blood donation and were therefore ready to take part.

When the Zonal Qaid, Abdul Hameed Amponsah and his Aamila who were present to support the drive made efforts to convince them that an appropraite time will come for them to donate as they are not yet of age, the quartet told the Qaid and the team that, if they were not capable to donate a full pint of blood, they could donate a half pint each.

“Qaid, at least let us donate half each. All put together, it will be two full pints and we would be happy that we were part in this life saving exercise”, they said.

The Zonal Qaid, his Aamila present and the Biomedical Scientists from the Trauma and Specialist Hospital in Winneba, thanked them for their obedience and show of love and presented to them items received by eligible donors.

The Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Abu Basheer Donkoh and his Zonal Aamila who were at a meeting at Petuduase upon hearing this rare news, suspended the meeting momentarily and in the company of his Aamila, came to the venue of the exercise, the Petuduase T.I. Ahmadiyya Basic School to speak to the Atfal. The Zonal Missionary explained to the four, that, it was not a deliberate attempt to stop them from donating, but their tender ages do not qualify them to do so. He assured them, that when their time is due in the not too distant future, they would be allowed to join in the exercise.

Maulvi Abu Basheer Donkoh expressed his utmost appreciation, and indeed that of the Gomoa Zone to the Atfal for their wonderful show of concern. He personally made cash donations to them in expression of his gratitude for their well-intended sacrifices.

Story by Rafiq Ansoh, Nazim Khidmat-e Khalq – Gomoa East Zone

Alhamdulillah, the 3rd Annual Health Walk exercise was organized by the Majlis Khuddamul-ul-Ahmadiyya, Kasoa Zone on the 25th December, 2021. Starting at exactly 6:30am from the Kasoa Central Mosque, the exercise traveled through the principal streets of Kasoa and finally converged at the Zonal Eid Grounds off the Liberia Camp – Winneba highway.

At the Eid Grounds, participants were taken through a series of aerobic drills led by an instructor who later gave a health talk on the importance of regular exercising for the body. He then entreated all present to add regular exercising to their regular routines.  He emphasized the need for members to adapt to good eating habits and reduce the intake of foods that contain high levels of fat.

The health walk recorded the presence of members from the various wings of the Jama’at with Khuddam recording 128, which was the highest in attendance. Atfal, Lajna and Ansar also recorded 33, 110 and 42 in attendance respectively. Also present were the Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Mohammed Ishaque Opoku, and other executive members from the Kasoa Zone. The health walk was graced with other sporting activities such as Volleyball, Table Tennis, Ludo and Cooking Competition.

The Zonal Qaid, Mr. Tahir Ahmed Abakah, thanked everyone for their support and participation in making the program a success. He advised members of the Khuddam especially to be active in Jama’at activities and also be united.

Story by Ibrahim Ampong

As the theme for the 2022 month of blood donation Exercise states “Donate Blood to Save Life“, the Upper West Zone of the Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya organized theirs on the 28th of January, 2022 at the Wa West Zone, precisely at Imam Salih Circuit mosque.

Various social media platforms were used by the Khidmat-e-Khalq office to bring to the notice of the Jama’at members with the help of the Isha’at office as it’s an annual activity being carried out. For several years the donation is always undertaken by the Upper West Municipal Hospital, previously the regional hospital. Currently, the exercise is being carried by the new Upper West Regional Hospital as it’s now the mother hospital of the region.

As at 9:30 am, all were set for the exercise to commence. While we are grateful that this year’s exercise was successful, we rather recorded a low turnout of members. This was as a result of the passing away of a member of the Jama’at with the Lajna Imaaillah, thus most of the members of Khuddam had to participate in preparations at the cemetery to enable the burial of the deceased. ‘Inna lillah wa inna illaihi rajioon’.

At the close of the exercise, statistics proved that thirty-three (33) members of the Jama’at were present, out of which 21 were qualified to donate and proceeded to donate. These include 2 Lajna, 1 Ansar and 30 Khudaam.

We say may Allah bless, protect and guide us all. Amen.

Story by Ahmed Mensah, Qaid Ilaqa- Accra Zone

The Accra Zone of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya strongly participated in the funeral of the late Alhaj Abdul Rahman Ennin which took place at both the National Headquarters at Osu and the burial grounds at Kasoa.

Alhaj Ennin, a former Trustee and Afsar Jalsa Salana, passed away on 1st December, 2021 at the Korle Bu Teaching hospital in Accra after a protracted illness.

When news broke of his death, the Accra Zone where the late eminent Ahmadi resides, immediately went into action and planned for a success organization of the janaza (funeral) as it was going to attract a huge patronized despite the covid-19 pandemic.

Amongst the express responsibilities was preparing the ground for the Janaza prayers as well as see to duties at the morgue and cemetery.

MKA Accra Zone also made arrangements for car park, security and the observance of the covid-19 safety protocols. About forty-five (45) dressed Khuddam undertook these duties to the admiration of all.

May Allah grant our departed father a lofty place in paradise and may Allah bless all Khuddam who helped in one way or the other in the burial of our late father.

Story by Ahmed Mensah, Qaid Ilaqa, Accra Zone

Mr. Ahmed Kwaku Mensah, has taken over as the new Qaid Ilaqa for the Accra Zone. This was at a brief ceremony held on 5th December 2021, graced by Muawin Sadr Mustapha Amissah. He was appointed to the position by the Sadr Mulk, Mr. Nasir Ahmad Bonsu for the 2021-2022 Majlis year.

Mr. Mensah takes over from Mr. Iddris Ninsin the immediate past Accra Zonal Qaid who has since transitioned to the Majlis Ansarullah having attained the compulsory transitioning age of 40.

Mr. Iddris Ninsin will best be remembered for championing the concept of Operational Master Plan (OMP) where at a sitting the Amila is able to plan their activities for the whole year, assign targets and deadlines for the Accra Zone. Other achievements include Monthly Congregational Tahajjud and Waqar-e Amal at the Korle Bu Mortuary.

Mr Iddris Ninsin had previously served as the Nima Circuit Qaid, appointed the then Greater Accra Regional Qaid and later when the zoning system was introduced, he became Accra Zonal Qaid, ceding the Kasoa and Tema Zones to others. He graciously led the Accra Zone to undertake all Jalsa duties given to the Zone.

Mr. Iddris Ninsin became the Qaid Ilaqa for Greater Accra having succeeded Mr. Nasir Ahmed Bonsu, the then Greater Accra Qaid when he assumed the mantle of Sadr Mulk.

MKA ACCRA has been blessed with phenomenal Qaideen Ilaqa, prominent amongst them being the current Sadr, Nasir Ahmed Bonsu, former Naib Sadr, Abdul Samad.

The Zonal Missionary, Maulvi Naeematullah and the Zonal Secretary were present as well as the Accra Zone Amila.

It is our prayer, that Allah Almighty helps Mr. Mensah upon his assumption of duty in the service of the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya.

Handing Over Ceremony of Qaid Ilaqa, Accra Zone.