
Sadr Visits UG AMMSAG

Story by Abdul-Hadi Keelson, Naib Mu’tamad Mulk Hanif Bipuah, Sadr Mulk, visited the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission Students’ Association of Ghana (AMMSAG) Branch of the University of Ghana on Sunday, 2nd April 2023. He, and his entourage,…

New Qaid Appointed for Volta Zone

Members got so emotional during the handing over address and that of his Naib Qaid.

Perform Your Duties Beyond Expectations – Mr. Usman Y. Baidoo

Mr. Usman Y. Baidoo has charged all Aamila members to perform their duties beyond measure as the development of the Majlis greatly depends on them discharging their duties appropriately.

Maiden Khuddam Aamila Meeting Held at Wa West Zone

Wa West Zone held its first Aamila Meeting with the aim to develop a plan to move the newly created zone forward.
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Akayongo Khuddam visits Alhaj Ibrahim Alagma

A 3-member delegation from the Majlis Khuddam-ul Ahmadiyya of the Akayonga Circuit in the Bolga Zone on Tuesday, 8th February, 2022, visited Alhaj Ibrahim Alagma
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Kasoa North organises Time with Parents and Atfal Day

Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya, Kasoa North, organized it second “Time with Parent” at the Insaaniya Mosque with the theme, “Atfal participation in Jama’at activities, the responsibility of parents”

MKA Ghana Organizes Orientation Workshop at Takoradi

In an effort to re-ignite the spirit, devotion and activeness of existing zonal office bearers and equip newly appointed ones, the Shooba Umumi...


Two Zones with approximately 85 of its aamila members jointly organized an orientation programme which was facilitated by national majlis, led by Mr. Benyameen Keelson (Officer in charge of general affairs). The main aim of this orientation…